Is it important to hire a specific photographer for your project?

Importance of hiring a food photographer for your restaurant and advertising project. Professional food photographer, food photography, product photography, Boise, Idaho, boise food photographer.

Eggs benedict for Huck House Brunchette, Boise Idaho

Tacos and a coca-cold with a side of rice and beans for lunch in Downtown Los Angeles

Club Sandwich and fries

Warn Reserve Bitters and cocktail at Gas lantern drinking company Boise, Idaho

Cocktail at Biscut and Hogs Meridian Idaho

Avion Tequila cocktail

Cocktail on patio in Los Angeles California

I recently had a conversation with a restaurant public relations executive who was telling me all the reasons why their food images looked dark .They hired a professional photographer to photograph their menu items and the images looked great when they were shot. Yet, when the client went to load them on to their website, the images looked very dark. Obviously concerned, they contacted the photographer and asked ” why are the images looking dark ( i.e. under exposed) ” the photographers reasoning, when you take them from your computer online they change color.  The conversation went on for a while, all the time they assured me that the “professional photographer” did an amazing job, minus the images not looking great on their site. I don’t know a client that would be happy not getting exactly what they were promised and paid for. Long story short, they HAD hired a professional photographer, BUT, it was a headshot photographer. 

In general most people hear photographer and assume they all can do the same job. In reality, some can, they have had the training and know how to shoot different subjects. However, most of the time most have a specific focus or “niche.” An ultra focused specialty. My degree is in professional photography with an emphasis in advertising. What that means is that I have the technical ability to shoot everything in any kind of situation .However, advertising is where I decided to concentrate my focus , that means that I focused on learning how to shoot advertising photography, and what can be advertised?? Just about everything can be advertised. Later on I focused even more and learned how to work and shoot food for advertising( menus, catalogues, ads, social media, etc.) There are very definite and specific skills in shooting different subject, the same skills you would use in shooting a baby are very different from what you would use to shoot pets or weddings. All the technical skills are the same when working the camera, but the knowledge of how to work with your subjects and handle the shoot is different.

When it comes to shooting food, it’s a whole new world of tips and tricks. Your photographer is going to know that you can’t shoot a hamburger for an hour or so as the meat will change colors, the lettuce will wilt, the cheese will harden and look greasy versus looking shiny and appetizing. You definitely can not take an hour to shoot real ice cream, as you guessed it, it’s going to melt. Your food photographer is going to know what foods need to be shot with specific lighting , what they need to do to make that burger look awesome and a must order for today’s lunch and make that cocktail look frosty and delicious so you order it the next time you visit that new speakeasy that’s opening in town this week. Besides being an art form, it is a lesson in human psychology and knowing what will draw your customer into that image and make him or her react to make that purchase.

So the answer is a resounding YES, yes, you need a specific photographer to shoot YOUR specific project.  You want the best possible outcome for your shoot and don’t want to risk it on someone who is offering you a discount as they are trying to build their portfolio. Nothing against that, but do you want to risk your brands impression on a potential new customer  and its success on someone who is still learning, maybe on your social media content but not on a project like your menu, website images or advertising. But you might say, ” I have no idea where to start?” Easy, start looking at websites and the photographers social pages to see if that is the kind of work they do and most importantly , if it is YOUR style and what you want your image to be. Still not sure, shoot me an email and I am more than happy to help guide you to who will work best for you :)

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