Holiday Season

Oh boy! Here we go, it’s officially 89 days until Christmas is here!! For some people, mostly kids, it’s an exciting time, it’s panic time for mother and fathers . There is another segment of the population that also has that panic moment. Anyone in sales of products, it’s time to get everything ready for your holiday sales. Local crafters, boutiques, stores, restaurants etc. It is a time of year that is non stop, yet you want to make sure that you have all your inventory ready to go, advertising ready to go…. Ah, most people tend to forget or bypass the marketing all together. Most business owners say they will post on all social pages, and advertise their wares with enough time , no problem, no need to hire someone to do this for you. But lets be honest between managing, sales, inventory and your personal life, you forget to post that special on Instagram, or make a reel of your store offerings, or a tik tok of those new menu additions at your restaurant. 

In total sales go up over the holidays . “ Holiday sales, on average, have increased 3.5% for the past five years, and they rose 4% in 2019, according to the National Retail Federation. Holiday retail sales rose 8.3% in 2020, according to data released by the National Retail Federation.Feb 16, 2022.” I mean how important can professional images be, do they really make a difference in my sales? I bet I can get the same result from my phone and have my kids take the pictures right?? I hear that all the time from business owners, but can you definitely count on your kids to get the shots from the best angels of your product or food? I know cell phones are amazing at adding effects to your images, but you do have the time to sit there and get the best shot while running your business?  Don’t take my word for it, just check out some of these articles explaining how professional photos help. Besides the obvious of showcasing your products, images help your products to be memorable, show quality, shows you as the owner care about showing your product in the best light, but most importantly it saves you time and $$$$ in the long run versus having to try to spare the time to do it yourself.

Images grab your audience’s attention

Utilising scroll-stopping and high-quality photography is a great way of grabbing your audience’s attention. After all, social media posts which are accompanied by imagery are ten times more likely to gain engagement according to the social media examiner.
6 Reasons Why You Need High Quality Photography | Pixel Kicks

Why is image important in advertising?They create engagement

As any marketer knows, images increase engagement. People don’t just want to look at pictures, they want to share them and then they want to see more of them, and in fact, content with images receives up to 40% more shares than content without pictures.Feb 27, 2020

Images help make sales.

67% of consumers say the quality of each product image is very important when choosing and purchasing products. Customers also think that product image quality is more valuable than product information (63%), a detailed product description (54%) or customer ratings and reviews (53%).Feb 4, 2016
The Ultimate Guide to Using Images in Marketing - HubSpot Blog

Are professional photos worth it?  It will save you energy, stress and time because you have an accountable and trustworthy photographer documenting your event. The job will be done faster. The photographs will be much better. In the long run, you will make more money with photographs that tell your story than what it costs you to have them made.Jul 13, 2018
Hiring a professional photographer: Is it really worth your money?

Why is product photography important? It convinces your customer that your brand does care for their needs and wants, which will motivate them to become loyal customers who repeatedly purchase your products. Professional product photography not only testifies to the quality of your product but also reflects the credibility of your brand image.
5 Reasons Why Professional Product Photography is Essential for Your …

Visuals Save Time

Visuals convey messages faster than words do. Images can send a message immediately to your brain. We’re more likely to remember content with images, since they process 60,000 times faster.Feb 16, 2018
The Importance Of Visuals In Business Communication - Penji

We still have 89 days to go, will you get your list in order and hire someone to get those images for your business so you can kill the sales game this holiday season? Don’t know where to start or what to do, give us a call and we will be more than happy to get you the help you need before it comes down to crunch time.


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